A Cookbook Creates Community


Karl Schatz and Margaret Hathaway live on Ten Apple Farm in Maine with their three daughters. Margaret is a writer; Karl is a photographer. Once they decided to make Maine their home and raise their family on a goat farm, they went all-in for Maine. 

They were the two pillars behind the award-winning Maine Bi-Centennial Community Cookbook, published last summer. The cookbook was a smash—over 200 recipes from Mainers of all stripes, chock full of people, family, and all things Maine.

Margaret Hathaway tells the story of how a community cookbook published in the heart of the Pandemic came to be the heart center of the state. Karl, a true Mainer, will chime in with his own story of growing up Jewish in Maine with his great grandmother, Sadie the Kosher Caterer AKA "Cookie Nana."

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